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about «Agridrones» 

біохахист, беспілотник

Biological control

by UAVs

трихограма, біозахист
трихограмма, биозащита, энтомофаг
трихограма, ентомофаги, біозахист
дрон, agridrones, беспилотник
   Trichogramma are tiny wasps that parasitize the eggs of most moth and butterfly species, but they don’t bother people or pets. Release 40,000-200,000 per acre at the first detection of moths. Release weekly as long as moths persist. Moth populations can be monitored with pheromone traps. These wasps are available from March through August.
How does it work?

  Trichogramma adults are extremely small. The female adult lays her eggs on other moths' eggs. First, she examines the eggs by antennal drumming, then drills into the eggs with her ovipositor, and lays one or more eggs inside the moth's eggs. She usually stays on or near the host eggs until all or most of them are parasitized. When the parasitized moth's eggs turn black, the larvae parasites develop within the host eggs. The larva eats the contents of the moth's eggs. Adults emerge about 5-10 days later depending on the temperature. Adults can live up to 14 days after emergence. Female adults can lay up to 300 eggs.


Why bio?

Chemicals are as toxic to you as they are to the pests, and often ineffective against the targeted pest due to resistance.

•Сегодня доказано, что доля биологического метода в системах защиты может составлять на зерновых 25-30%, овощных и рапсе - 60-70%, сое и кукурузе - 100%, плодовых - 40-50%, винограде 50-70%. таким образом, объемы применяемых химических средств защиты растений могут быть снижены на 30-70% без снижения урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур

•The real beauty of this method of pest control is that the targeted pests can not develop a resistance to trichogramma like it could when a chemical pesticide is used.

•Trichogramma ostriniae has been shown to be effective against the Asian corn borer

•Trichogramma wasps seek out eggs, but do not feed on or harm vegetation. It is a particularly effective biological control agent because it kills its host before a plant can be damaged.

•Lowest Price 

Drone use

  Every year the European corn borer destroys a significant amount of maize yield. The conventional as well as the biological pest control is a time consuming and costly job because the pesticides or beneficial organisms have to be distributed on food or by a special machinery due to the height of the plants in a very limited time frame.A new methodology could help to reduce the cost of the distribution. Our agri-UAVs is able to distribute Trichogramma eggs fast and efficiently on large fields without physically interacting with the plants.Our solution is more cost-efficient, protects the soil and emits no emissions in the field in contrast to conventional methods. 


Площадь обработки за вылет в среднем 150-200 га и более. Применяются дроны самолетной  или мультироторной платформы (например квадрокоптеры), все аппараты способны выдерживать заданную высоту полета согласно технологии. 

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